Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots

Moms for America, Stronger than Ever
Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots

•••••••• Moms for America, Stronger than Ever ••••••••
Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots

Main image for Trump Remarks in New Hampshire - Moms for America

President Donald J. Trump’s Remarks in Rochester, NH

January 1, 2024

Our New Hampshire Moms for America Action group is gaining remarkable momentum! We recently attended President Donald J. Trump’s speech in Rochester, NH, an event that highlighted the growing enthusiasm and readiness of our dedicated moms to make a significant impact. This meet-up was more than just attending an event; it was a demonstration of unity and determination to support our favorite candidate for President. The atmosphere was charged with excitement, as seen in our captivating photo gallery. It vividly captures the passion and energy of our amazing group of moms in NH. Join us in celebrating the power of mothers uniting, ready to mobilize and make a positive impact in our nation. Together, we’re not just attending events; we’re ready to mobilize and get the vote out!