Friday, November 22, 2024
Moms for America Cordially Invites you to join us …
Moms for America
Cordially Invites you …
Friday, November 22, 2024
Please join us for a plated lunch and program on Friday, November 22 at Mar-a-Lago Club to honor our 2024 Mothers of Influence and Champions of Freedom Awards recipients and hear how Moms for America is working to take back our country one school board, state, and community at a time in a mom-led revolution.
9:00 AM
Registration Opens
9:30-10:30 AM
VIP and General Receptions
10:30 AM
Doors Open / Seating
11:00 AM-1:30 PM
Plated Luncheon & Program
9:00 AM – Registration Opens
9:30-10:30 AM – VIP and General Receptions
10:30 AM – Doors Open / Seating
11:00 AM-1:30 PM – Plated Luncheon & Program
Matthew Vassar, founder of Vassar College, declared “The Mothers of a country mold its citizens, determine its institutions, shape its destiny.” We are on a destiny shaping mission at Moms for Americang, as Moms for America mobilizes moms from coast to coast to reclaim our culture and restore the Republic!
Mothers of Influence and Champion of Freedom Awardees

AG Lynn Fitch
Mississippi Attorney General

Graci McGillicuddy
All-Star Children’s Foundation,
Co-Founder Child Advocate

Missy Robertson
A & E’s Duck Dynasty, Author

Tulsi Gabbard
Four-Term Congresswoman &
LTC, US Army Reserve

Vivek Ramaswamy
American Entrepreneur
and Businessman
The Mar-a-Lago Club
Palm Beach, Florida
Friday, November 22, 2024

Sponsorships & Tickets
Registration is now open, so get your tickets and reserve your table today.

Diamond Sponsor
Up to Four (4) Tables of 10 with premium seating
Ten (10) Tickets to VIP Reception & Photo Op
Four (4) Guests seated at head table with honorees
Full page ad inside front cover of program book
Rotating Digital ad logo on screen
60 second video from stage
3 minute message from stage
Recognition from Stage

VIP Gold Sponsor
Four (4) Tickets to VIP Reception & Photo Op
Up to Two (2) Tables of 10 with Priority Seating
General Admission & General Reception
For Remaining Table Guests
Digital logo on screen
1/2 Page Promo/Ad in Program

VIP Silver Sponsor
Table of 10
Two (2) for VIP Reception & Photo Op
General Admission & General Reception
or Remaining Table Guests
Recognition in Program

Table Sponsor
Table of 10
General Reception
Recognition in Program
**See sponsor packet for more benefits for each of the sponsorships above.
NOTE: Table sponsorships may be donated to moms who would like to attend. If you are not able to attend in person,
or have extra seats at your table you may gift those to some very deserving and appreciative moms.
General Ticket $1,000
General Admission/Seating
General Reception
Mail Checks
Pay Online
Wire Transfer

Room Block Available
Hilton Palm Beach PB
150 Australian Ave., West Palm Beach, FL 33406
Additional Hotel Suggestion
Hilton West Palm Beach
600 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Learn More About
Moms for America
We know that in America, we are no longer working to conserve freedom for future generations. Instead, we are now faced with restoring the principles and long-standing traditions on which our republic was founded. That’s why Moms for America® is excited to invite you to join us in our Restoring Patriotism campaign!
Our Three-Fold Mission is Simple
Empower Moms, Promote Liberty,
and Raise Patriots.
2024 marks Moms for America’s 20th Anniversary, a milestone filled with unforgettable memories and inspiring moments. From our star-studded 20th Anniversary event in Dallas with over 70 speakers and presenters, to the countless lives touched through our various initiatives, it’s been an incredible journey. Moms for America was proud to endorse President Donald J. Trump for election this year, and he even was one of our Moms for America Podcast. Tucker Carlson was our guest at an incredible Round Table Event. We also attended CPAC and the RNC Convention, participated in Don’t Mess with Our Kids, Rise Up Con, Take Back Our Border Convoy. We’re staging Moms Walkathons in battleground states, and we’re an integral part of the Tucker Carlson Live Tour across America. There are just so many events and incredible causes that we participated in, that we just can’t mention them all. We even produced our very own Moms for America Song! So check out our past events pages… and we have even more in store for everyone throughout the remainder of this year.
YOU are what makes everything we do to Empower Moms, to Promote Liberty, and Raise Patriots possible.
YOU make it happen. And we are so grateful for you.
Founded in 2004, Moms for America® is a national movement of moms to reclaim our to reclaim our culture for truth, family, freedom, and the Constitution while providing a powerful voice of reason in the cultural and political issues of the day. This fundraising event will go to advance the continuing work of Moms for America® through our family-focused, liberty-promoting programs and resources.
This year’s event will be just as exciting. You won’t want to miss it!
Below are Highlights from the 2023 Event

We presented our Mothers of Influence Awards to some incredible women, including Dr. Alveda King, Lindy Blanchard, and RaeLynn.
We also presented our Champion of Freedom Award to Dr. Sebastian Gorka, and our first ever Founders of Freedom Award to President Donald J. Trump.
….Some Highlights From Other Moms for America Events….