Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots

Moms for America, Stronger than Ever
Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots

•••••••• Moms for America, Stronger than Ever ••••••••
Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots

MFA Group Happenings Top Head Iowa

Moms for America Groups


On June 1st, 2023, Emily Peterson (State Liaison for Iowa Moms for America) and Rachel Cadena (Group Leader for Linn County Moms for America) attended a Town Hall event hosted by Sean Hannity and Fox with President Trump in Clive, Iowa. Emily and Rachel were honored to represent moms and Iowans, who stand for their conservative values and freedom which makes our families and country great.

Iowa Trump Town Hall1 - Moms for America Iowa Group
Iowa Trump Town Hall2 - Moms for America Iowa Group
Iowa Trump Town Hall3 - Moms for America Iowa Group


On July 14th, 2023, Emily Peterson (Moms for America Iowa State Liaison) attended Iowa’s Family Leadership Summit, where a huge step forward was taken to protect the unborn in Iowa. Iowa’s Governor Reynolds signed the Heartbeat Bill on this historic day banning abortion after a heartbeat is detected with few exceptions. Emily also had the opportunity to interview with Daily Wire and Forbes. It was a day for celebrating as Iowa citizens saw their efforts of fighting for the huge accomplishments and advancing the freedoms of all Americans, born and unborn.


On July 15th, 2023, Emily Peterson (Moms for America Iowa State Liaison) attended and spoke at a Save America Rally. Emily was honored and humbled to share a stage with one of the most courageous women who stood against the establishment and continues to fight for fair and free elections and to save the next generation in America. Emily quotes, “Proud to represent Moms for America as we empower moms to raise the next generation of patriots!”


Emily Peterson (Moms for America Iowa State Liaison) attended a Lincoln Dinner in Des Moines Iowa where the patriots of Iowa gathered to hear the messages of the candidates running in 2024. Each of the candidates brought messages that told Emily and other Iowans where they stood on the issues, and they as Iowans formed opinions on who the next great leaders would be to move our republic forward. Emily got to meet the candidates and many other patriots of Iowa. As quoted by Emily, “It was a night we the people of Iowa made our voices heard as well!” Emily is also honored to represent Moms for America and our mission to raise up the next generation of patriots.


On August 17, 2023, State Liaison Emily Peterson (Iowa Moms for America) attended the General Flynn Freedom Event where the best of Iowa’s patriots came together to welcome a great, fearless leader and a man who has fought tirelessly for this country General Flynn. When Emily and Flynn’s paths merged two years ago through the Reawaken Tour, God began to weave this day together by connecting the most incredible group of people who made this possible and who have answered the call to action to preserve our God given rights and to save our next generation. Emily is thankful for this opportunity to represent Moms for America, an organization committed to raising the next generation of patriots!


On August 28, 2023, State Liaison Emily Peterson (Iowa Moms for America) had the privilege to attend alongside the President and Founder of Moms for America, Kimberly Fletcher, at the Reawaken America tour. Also, Rachel Cadena (Linn County Moms for America Group Leader) was able to attend. This tour brought moms, grandmas, and concerned citizens all over the country to wake up and join the fight to save the next generation and to join us in Moms for America’s mission to take back our culture for truth, family, freedom, and the constitution.


On August 5, 2023, one of our state liaisons, Emily Peterson (Iowa Moms for America) attended and spoke at the Save America Event. At this event General Flynn took a few minutes of his incredible speech to speak highly of Moms for America and about Emily and how she represents her great state of Iowa. In Flynn’s words he stated, “I’ve been in combat five years of my life and faced the worst enemies. I would take this gal with me into any combat zone.”

To view the whole speech, click here.

Save America Event - Moms for America Groups


On September 16, 2023, Iowa Moms for America officially launched, and Iowa State Liaison Emily Peterson (Moms for America) could not be more excited to see what is in store for the coming year. The day at Iowa Liberty Fest was full of celebration of what God has done through local action and all their victories in Iowa for freedom. Moms in Iowa and across the country are taking back the United States culture for truth, family, freedom, and the constitution.

Iowa Liberty Fest-1 - Moms for America Group Happenings
Iowa Liberty Fest-2 - Moms for America Group Happenings