Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots

Moms for America, Stronger than Ever
Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots

•••••••• Moms for America, Stronger than Ever ••••••••
Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots

Washington County Texas Moms for America Group Happenings

Washington County


Back to School Event in Washington County

August 9, 2023

On August 9, 2023, Tressie Roark (Washington County Moms for America Group Leader), with the help of Suzanne Flammer (Brenham Moms for America School District Ambassador) and Macey D. (Burleson County Moms for America Group Leader), hosted an informational table at the “Back to School” event in Washington County, Texas. Suzanne and Macey helped with passing out school supplies and answering questions. There were approximately 500 families in attendance. In the words of Tressie, “We look forward to creating a wonderful relationship with the schools in the County.”
